Sunday 30 November 2014

2014 is nearly over... make these last few weeks count...

Well that's another month over.  One more to go before another year begins!  How time flies?!  So much seems to have happened this year; I can't wait to see what 2015 brings!  

As for November, when I try and think about what I have done this month I actually struggle to think because Christmas seems to have taken over early this year.  I have been so caught up in work stuff, sorting stuff for the big move and keeping going, that I have had to dig out the diary to remember what was this month because everything is turning into a bit of a blur!!

November actually started out with a whopping surprise from my girl :)  She booked last minute tickets to take me to see Disney on Ice at the arena!  I'm so spoiled!   
We had really good seats and the castle looked amazing!!


As seen as Aurora wasn't there and Sleeping Beauty's fairytale was never mentioned as a princess story, Beauty and the Beast had to be my favourite part of the first half.  And The Lion King ha to take first place as my favourite from the second half.  The stories were amazing and the skating well, I wish I could skate like that!!  What a dream - to be able to say that you were one f the Disney on Ice Princesses...
Stitch also made a couple of appearances - he was so funny, banging the gong and annoying Mickey and Minnie!!

Tara, Sammy and I went to the Burgoyne Park Bonfire to see the fireworks!  We braved the weather, put up with the rain and enjoyed the massive bonfire, awesome fireworks display, and even played with sparklers like the big kids that we are!!

At the weekend, Tara and I went to Bakewell, with the great intentions of walking around, looking in the shops, going for some lunch and then going to feed the ducks.  This started out as an amazing idea - the first problem was when I decided to have a massive blonde moment and direct us all the way out to Castleton!  My tiny little blonde brain had mistaken Bradwell for Bakewell!  So we took a very long drive to Bakewell, finally got parked and it decided to rain!  So.. we had a lovely walk round in the rain, and ducked in ad out of shops... had our photographs taken with the toy soldier :) and went to a rather posh tea rooms for some lunch.  Yeah, we didn't really fit in there, and have vowed to stick to pubs in future!!

 After lunch came the duck feeding - now to say how much Tara wanted to feed the ducks - somehow I was the one who ended up with the bag of bread.  Go figure - the person who can't go near bread wanted to feed the ducks!!!  I got attacked by seagulls, and the three poor, lonely ducks barely got a luck in!  I actually feared for my life!!
 Afterwards we went for a drive in Sheffield to find the most expensive street.  We found it, and boy were the houses big!!  One even had an outdoor swimming pool.  A tiny one (compared to the rest) was up for sale - £660,000 - yeah right - dream on eh?!

After finding Prince Naseem's £9 million house and trying to get a photo of that, we went for a walk in the woods :) acted like big kids and took some silly photos before going home and relaxing in front of the TV in our Jim Jam's.

Our next venture was buying a fish tank and some new fish because the one that Tara won from the Bonfire killed mine - yes I'm sticking with this story and not believing that it was just his time.  So we now have a big shiny tank with new fishies in and mum's remaining Pleco fish.  They are all settled in and about ready for new tank mates I think!!

I saw my baby boy this month too :)  Momma and Chris went out to finish their Christmas shopping so I got him all to myslef for half of the day!  We ha a lovely lazy morning in out PJ's watching the TV.  Had some lunch and then went for a nice long walk and a play in the park.  We collected leaves and he even brought me a feather!  It was lovely to see him running around and playing out in the park - too  many kids these days spend too much time inside :)
He even had a little hug from a tree on the way home!  Bless him, he was a foot shorter by the time we got back - we walked two miles, and I only carried him a short distance, because he's getting too big to carry for long now!  He was so good I was so proud of him.  See Chris, we survived!! 

The only other things I have done this month are some decorating for mum - yes, I single handedly stripped the bathroom wallpaper and painted it :)  I felt very proud afterwards.  I have also put together a bookshelf and nailed it together on my own too... See I am able to do these things...

I have also nearly finished my Christmas shopping!  I have done a couple of stages and have one last trip left to do, but it's nearly done and I can start wrapping - I think this is the most organised I have ever been!

My November Instagram challenge went well - check it out on my Instagram page (the link is available in my profile section on the right hand side).  As for next month, after trawling Google for a December one, I decided to create my own as they are all the same and I did one last year.  I wanted something a little different.  So here it is:

Feel free to join in and use my ideas, it would be great to see some of the different ideas that people think up.  I love to see how one idea can be taken in so many different ways.  If you would like your images to appear on my blog over the coming month then feel free to send me your photos and I will upload some with others from the same day to show just how different these ideas can be taken!  
Happy Snapping!!

And remember - December is all we have left of 2014 - Make it count!

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