Wednesday 18 June 2014

And the motto is...

So, June is rolling by, and I am spending more and more time lost in my own little world.  Just before the weekend I was beginning to lose a little hope; I was letting everything get on top of me - the one thing I said I wouldn't let happen!  So, after a couple of days away from everything looking after my little man while his Mommy took some rest time, I gave myself a good talking to and put myself back on track.  

I am still doing the Ab Challenge thing, though I openly admit that I do not see any difference, and I swear it was devised to kill me - but out of pure stubbornness I will get to the end!!  My next move is to seriously crack on with my second book, and get some more copies of the first out into the world, and I also have to continue hunting for a new job - wouldn't it be awesome if someone decided they wanted my book in the mean time and it set me up for being a writer :)  Dreams are only dreams while ever we believe in them!  And despite how often I take the mickey out of myself for wanting to be a writer; I do believe in it, I do believe that it is possible!  I make jokes to keep the disappointment at bay every time I receive a 'no'.  

As for keeping up with my spontaneity, I think Sammy, Vicky and I took the biscuit for that the other day!  After a mess up on my part at the cinema, we were at a loss for something to do... So what did we decide on?  Normal people would have looked for another film, gone bowling instead, gone home and watched a DVD... Us...
We found a way into the fields in Ulley and went to see how close we could get to a windmill!  It was extremely spontaneous and very childish, but that about sums us up, especially when we are all together!  We trudged through the crop fields, panicked only a little when we heard the police helicopter above us, and managed to get right up to them - though we refrained from climbing the steps as we figured that might be pushing our luck a little too much!
After we had a taste for rebellion there was no stopping us - we didn't want to go home, so we had to find something else to do to entertain our childish sides!  What did we do?  We found a park of course!!
 Vicky went straight for the see-saw thingy and nearly face planted the floor - who'd have thought that these things weren't built for adults...

Sammy enjoyed making action shots...

And me... well... I saw a challenge... and went for it!

And I totally made it - Granted it was very ungraceful,
but I did it!

So, I will continue to keep my head up, and not let this crappy situation in my life get me down - I will come out on top of this... 'When one door closes, another opens' and all that, a little bit of wisdom from Alexander Graham Bell!

More randomness to come - I promise - and a Vernon update - but for now, I am going to go and enjoy what remains of this glorious sunshine.

Louby x

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