Tuesday 27 May 2014

Live your life your way!!

Well if these last few days have taught me anything, it's that life is too short to let anything or anyone get you down!  For those of you that have been reading for a while now, you will know just how hard I have worked this year to get here I am today - I have kept an upbeat attitude and stuck to my New Year's Resolution through thick and thin.  I'mm not going to lie, there ave been some times when it has been difficult, but I refuse to let others determine my life for me.  I promised myself that I would live my life for me this year, that I would do the things that made me happy!  Well, on Thursday something in my life took a serious tumble and completely floored me!  I gave myself a few hours to cry it out and then I gave myself a good, hard talking to!  The way I looked at it was that there was absolutely nothing I could do to change it, so I would not let the people involved run all the things that I had worked so hard to build up around me.  It's done, and now it's time to move on - one door closes, ready for another to open!  That is how I have to look at this!  

So, I spent Friday doing what I do best when I am not 100% and I cleaned!!  My room looked awesome by the time I was done.  I went shopping with mum and then come Friday night I got ready with Sammy to go out.  Yes it was Prom Night at Climax!  And I think rightly deserved - we had an awesome night!  I was determined to have a good time, and I think I definitely deserved a drink or two!  Sammy and I got all dressed up in our frocks, and the others all had their shirts and ties on :)  We had a good night, there was no doubt about that!  

Sammy even wore her Tiara from when she was Prom Queen :)

There was some cheesy dancing!

I got to see Maxie again - Long time no see!  And now I remember why :p Only joking, was ace to see her again!

I ended up a little worse for wear - but hey, I think I deserved it!

And by the end of the night there were a series of really strange selfies :) I think I just attacked everyone with the camera on the way out lol - Always the sign of a good night with me and Sammy!

After I had woken up and sobered up the next morning, it was time for the trip to Horncastle to spend the Bank Holiday with Momma and Sethy :)  The most effective therapy I've ever known!  All it took was his little arms around me when I got there to affirm my belief in everything would be ok.  We took great pleasure in destroying my badge and had a good giggle about it too.  We all spent the day in Skeg on Sunday, and the sun even came out to play making it so much better.  As always, we played in the arcades, and we made it onto the beach with ice cream.  Vicky even bought me a kite for a second attempt at getting one to fly.  We managed to get this one airborne, and I have never been so excited lol, how sad?  I've never been able to fly one before; I've always struggled to get them in the air, never mind keep it there!  Totally did it though - and have photographic evidence to prove it!  :)

It stayed up there for ages too :)

And then to round off the Bank Holiday weekend, I spent yesterday with Tara, catching up on lost time.  It's good to have some old friends back in my life - I hope they stay there!  We went to the pictures to see Blended, a good choice to say it was very spur of the moment - and ended the day in Pizza Hut!  I hope I speak for both of us when I say it was an awesome day, and good to get to spend some time together :) If not then I say it for me - I had a good day, and realised just how much I missed her in my life!

So, here's to getting my life back on track again... starting with some submissions today!  Let's see if that open door could have anything to do with my story!

Till next time :)
Louby x

Friday 16 May 2014

A visit to Wonderland

I know it's been a while since I wrote on here, and I'm afraid I don't even have a decent excuse!  I've just been too lazy :) But I will make up for it.  I am currently laid on the garden sofa under the gazebo in the sunshine - what a place to be eh?  I love this tie of year, the weather is finally starting to pick up, I can crack out the summer wardrobe, although mine is seriously on the low side - I feel a shopping trip coming on!!  Everyone is happier; the sun seems to lift everyone's mood :) and that is definitely a good thing!!

Anyway, back to the point - I spent the bank holiday weekend up at the caravan with Vicky again :) I spent the Friday night accompanied by Batman and Rainbowdash at the school stay awake and over a hundred kids!!  We had an awesome night - that ended with a few people getting pen on their faces because they dared to fall asleep - myself included!!  There were games, some cheating, a midnight movie (Frozen of course with a kick ass sing-a-long by the kids and staff alike), lots of sweets and a lot of screaming!!  By half past seven in the morning when Vicky came to pick me up I was buzzing a little to say the least!  

We headed home for my stuff then set out straight for Flanborough - the plan - to keep moving all day so that I didn't fall asleep! I didn't do bad to say I was working on around 36 hours with only about an hours sleep!  I made it through most of the day, playing nicely at the beach and then after we got wet at Thornwick and had to head back to the caravan to get changed... well I never resurfaced!  At about five in the evening I crashed!!
After a full night's sleep I was raring to go though and we spent the next two days being complete kids!  We played in the sand, yes 'we' - my childhood hatred of sand is disappearing quickly as I'm getting older and I spend just as much time on my hands and knees in the sand as Vicky does - she does still dish out the orders though and we made an awesome sandcastle on Bridlington beach!!
We went crabbing and played in the arcades ad just generally had kiddie fun :)  

We went to Thornwick and explored the Bay all over again, always finding something that we didn't find before.  Vernon was of course with me and enjoyed getting wet feet!  We even found a dragon egg :)  but it was a bit big to carry back up the cliff side so we had to leave it safe in the Bay.
On Monday we went back to Hunmanby Gap and played on the beach there - we built awesome sand ducks that took bloody ages I'll tell ya!  Vicky had fun drawing in the sand too - she finished up with a beautiful tribute to Elkie :)  While she was doing that, Vernon, Felix and I were playing in the sand, Vernon even got buried!!

After an awesome weekend it was back to work for four days :) 
 Then came the weekend... I got a text about going to Corp by the one person that I struggle to say no too!  Now if you've been reading long enough then you will know of my hatred for Corp, but I rounded up my sister and Tara, and headed out for a night out!  And to be fair - it was pretty awesome!  There was a lot of stupidity and fun, and the case of the cone and 3D glasses that went missing from my car!  But it was a great night - especially compared to the last time I was there!  

But to top it off, I got to see my Soldier, and he made my whole year!  He knows why, and so do those who know me well enough!  
So - here's to Wonderland!  Because that's where I am right now :)  I am the happiest I have been in a long time and it's all down to him - if you're reading this Solder, never forget it :)  

And today - is my Mommy's Birthday :) so now I am off to enjoy the sunshine and have a BBQ and fun times to celebrate with her.  Then she has an epic surprise coming on Sunday to celebrate in style because she has the most awesome daughter's ever!!  Love you Mommy xx

Til next time, (and I promise it won't be as long this time)
Louby x 

Thursday 1 May 2014

Doesn't time fly...

Wow, how the time goes quickly - where is this year going??  It doesn't seem five minutes since the last time I was writing one of these for the end of last month!!  I pulled off what I said at the end of the last one though - I most definitely upped my game - I have so much to write about for this month that I have no idea where to start.

Well how about I start with some of the things you already know... If you're following me on Instagram then you will be familiar with 99happymoments :)  Yes, I followed the craze and of course put my own little twist on it - I have managed to post every day, and I am trying hard not to repeat ideas too, so for example, I used the pretty blue sky as one of the days, I won't be using it again; I kinda want them all to be a little bit different.  Challenge accepted!

The beginning of April saw Vernon getting a new friend -Vicky fell in love with a hand made bear when we went to Arrow Farm and walked away with Felix :)  From then on the two (and us of course) have had all sorts of fun getting up to mischief and being as random as possible.

I posted briefly, about what was (up to that date) the most spontaneous I had proven to be, when I went to Cleethorpes, and was very impressed with myself at how little planning and thought had gone into it :)  Terry and I had chips on the beach, played in the arcades and went for a walk on the sand.  Vernon sneaked along too of course and got in some photos - although it was Terry who photo-bombed him, not the other way around...  We even laid and looked at the stars for a bit and Vernon had to get snuggle in my hood because it was getting colder. 

The following adventures are in the last blog post - My trip to Horncastle to see Momma and Squeak, my horse riding antics, of which I haven't done any more yet as the bruising on the bottom of my back has only just disappeared, and the most amazing act of spontaneity yet - the trip to Bolsover Castle!

The day after we went out again - a little more planned, but not by much - and visited Kirkham Abbey - a beautiful little set of ruins out in the middle of nowhere!  We even managed to score a decent day weather wise and enjoyed playing on the ruins.  Vicky even found a hill to roll down!

The second week of the Easter Break was spent decorating at home - we painted all of the ceiling, white work, walls and skirting boards in the lounge, stairs and landing... My sister and I both made the decision that when we move out we plan to move to bungalows after discovering just how painstakingly annoying painting skirting boards on the stairs can be... and i managed to get white paint on my elbows - how you may ask??  I haven't got the faintest clue!!

Then to round off an awesome holiday - it was Whitby Goth Weekend... Vicksy and I (and Vernon and Felix of course) went to the caravan for the weekend and spent Saturday in Whitby enjoying the scenery, costumes, and even the weather!  Granted it got a little blustery as the day went on, but it still wasn't horrible. 
On the Friday we ended up in Scarborough where Vicky played in the sand while I wrote in it :)

On the Sunday we went to one of my favourite places in the whole world - Thornwick Bay :) my little piece of heaven!

We spent ages down there, time just disappearing while we enjoyed the weather, sat on the cliffs and watched the sea.  We played on the rocks, went climbing, and had a rest on the beach at the other side :) an awesome way to spend a Sunday morning in my opinion!

After Thorwick we went for a drive and went looking for another beach - Vicky had been to Hunmanby before but never made it down as far as the sand, so we went to investigate :) I even got my toes out and went for a splash in the water - My God it was cold I'll tell ya!!
I wrote in the sand, because I could, and nearly killed Vicks trying to get us both in the photo!

And Vicky played in the sand too of course - she started building a sand snail, but unfortunately, and much to her disgust - the water crept up on her before she was finished!  I'm sure there will be a repeat, further away from the sea next time! :)

Anyway, this was only supposed to take ten minutes and then I was going for a bath - not sure I can be bothered now - that was ages ago!  One thing I have decided from today - I need to update more on my antics throughout the month so that I don't have as much to write at the end... 

Keep your eye on Vernon on Instagram at vernonsadventure - we are off to play again for the bank holiday weekend :) and I hope you're still watching #mycrazyreadinghabits :) my latest book - Macbeth.  The year 10's at school are doing it in English, and as I had ever read it before, figured I probably should so that I know what I'm rattling on about!

In final news - this months stay away food is Take Aways!  Wish me luck :)

Love ya's,
Louby x