Friday 27 September 2013


Quick piece inspired by my recent trip to Kingswood Activity centre for the Year 8 School Residential...

Fear overwhelmed me.  I shuffled to the edge and looked down.  Big mistake!  My legs were like jelly; could I really go through with this?  I looked over the edge again, the floor seemed so far away.  Taking a deep breath I attempted to calm my fear.  I shuffled slowly right towards the edge, my toes hanging over the edge, preparing to jump.  Was the ground shaking on was it just me?  Taking another deep breath I stood up tall, stretched out my arms and closed my eyes.  My whole body shook with fear, all the muscles and I was sure that now, even my bones were shaking.  Opening my eyes I took a final breath and held it in.  I could do this!  I stretched my arms back out where they and begun to drop in the air in front of me.  I could do this!  I blew out the breath and I jumped!  The air rushed past me.  I was free; I was flying. 

Saturday 14 September 2013

Randomly written...

Lightning struck and the inky purple sky lit up brightly.  As the light faded again the distant rumble of thunder sounded.  It was getting more aggressive each time it roared.  Silence fell again and everyone waited.  The much awaited storm was definitely getting closer, and quickly.  Next time the sky lit up with a perfect fork of brilliant white lightening.  Almost as soon as it had faded the thunder roared this time.  The trees quaked in its presence and the lack of the pouring rain and the eerie silence of no wind made the whole thing more creepy; like the proverbial eye of the storm.

This time everyone jumped.  The loud crack of thunder sounded directly above us as the whole sky lit up with several forks of lightening decorating the starless night sky.  Would the village survive the night??

Year 8 English Work

So, my Year 8 class were doing creative writing based on the novel Skellig.  They had just read the part where Michael had found the man in the garage for the first time and they had to write about the second time he went in the garage. It had to be written in first person perspective as if they were Michael and write using their senses; lesson objective was about description!
Well you know me... I had to have a go too :)

I pushed aside the broken door and stepped inside.  The creak from the rusty old hinge echoed through the garage making it sound as spooky as it looked.  Cobwebs hung from the ceiling just like I remembered from last time and had accumulated years worth of dust they had been here that long.  I didn't like to imagine the size of the spiders that must call these fly traps their home.  Dead flies littered every surface possible, all covered in dust too.  On second thoughts maybe all the spiders had died years ago... Everything looked so undisturbed.  It was clear that I was the first person to dare to venture inside for a very long time. 
As I crept around the old furniture that was piled up hazardously in every available space I froze in my tracks.  I'd really hoped that it had been a trick of the light last time.  Peering carefully into the semi darkness I concentrated hard on the dark shadow propped up by the ornate wardrobe with the cracked and dirty mirror on one door.  Tiptoeing closer I squinted at it; it definitely looked like a man, but surely I was mistaken.  It appeared not to be breathing, but as I took the final step closer and bent down I heard the faint rattle as it took a breath.  He was alive! 
I fell backwards and landed with a bump on the dirty floor.  A cloud of dust rose around me making me cough, and as I shattered the deathly silence around me the man groaned and moved his head a little.  I sat in the dust and looked closely at him.  His face was chalky pale and dry, with large black bags under his eyes.  I'd never really understood that saying before but now I saw it clearly; the skin hung loosely and wrinkled at the corners of his eyes and the colour was a dark tinted purple.  His pale lips which were cracked and looked very painful were the only source of colour on his face and a thick layer of dust hid the inky black hair that surrounded his face, making him look gloomy. 
Shifting my position so that the tiny stream of daylight filtering through the broken window fell on his clothes.  I expected him to be wearing tatty old clothes, as if maybe was a homeless person who'd crawled in here and got stuck.  However I was incredibly surprised to see a dark suit clothing his frail body.  Granted it was very scruffy and torn in many places like he had been fighting and his shoes opened at the ends as if he'd been wearing them since he was my age, revealing his dirty toes. 
He began to turn his head towards me and his bones cracked like a skeleton.  I panicked, scrambling backwards in the filth, making the dust swirl around me again.  I bumped into a cupboard and got to my feet, escaping the garage as fast as physically possible.

Surely that hadn't just happened.  I rubbed my eyes, I had only imagined it!  Hadn't I?!

Sat in Isolation...

Sat covering Isolation at work and decided to write...  Its an existing character, can you work out who?


The eerie atmosphere settled in around me as I stood on the corner waiting for him to arrive.  I checked my watch; ten minutes late.  Time was quickly slipping away and I began to worry again.  I felt the panic rising and my palms began to get sweaty, glancing up at the inky black sky I noted the moon glowing brightly, the stars scattered sparsely behind it.  It would be full in two days time.  Looking round again I felt a chill run up my spine as a shadow crossed the open doorway not far from where I stood.  I checked my watch again.  It was late, why was there an open door on a run of shops that all closed before five in an attempt for the staff to get home before the rush hour traffic took hold of the city. 

The distinct sound of footsteps drawing closer snapped me out of my thought process.  I fought the instinct to turn around, knowing that the only person that would be approaching me would be the man I was waiting for.
“Sorry I’m late.”  His now familiar husky voice murmured in my ear as he walked past me and turned to face me. 
“It’s ok.”  I replied, looking up to meet his beautiful brown eyes staring down at me in adoration. 
His eyes bore into mine as if he was searching my sole.  As he studied my face his hands crept up around my waist, pulling me in closer until I could feel the warmth emanating from his body.  I let my hands return the favour and I slid them up the front of his shirt to be greeted by a hard wall of muscle.  He kept in shape; there wasn’t really a way for him not to in his life style; in our lifestyle.  I was going to have to get used to saying that.
“What will happen to me?”  I whispered into the darkness, knowing that he would understand.
“You’ve no need to worry, I promise everything will be ok.  You trust me yeah?”  Was his reply.
Every time I had asked I got the same response.  That I had no need to worry.  That he wouldn’t let anything happen to me.  That I’d be ok.  I never questioned him, I always gave him the same answer.
“Of course I do.”

It didn’t stop me worrying though, and as we parted ways; not being able to be seen together just yet, I felt my heart sink a little more.  He kissed me goodbye and I watched him as he walked away, back the way he’d come and around the corner at the far end of the block.  I held back the tears as the fear I felt for the upcoming events began to build again and made my way back home; hoping that everything would be ok like he promised.