Thursday 22 August 2013

Inspired by the sea...

Sitting on the beach at North Landing in Flanborough and felt inspired by the peaceful scene in front of me...  Hoppe you enjoy! :)

She sat on the rocks, her toes causing ripples in the calm ocean as she dangled her feet into the cool water, staring silently out to sea.  Her long, damp, wavy blonde hair swayed in the light breeze that drifted lazily through the secluded cove.  The only noises that disturbed the silence were the calls of the seagulls circling high above the cliffs. 
I wriggled my toes in the warm sand where I sat taking in the beautiful view.  The tall white cliffs on either side of the cove standing proudly with their green hats on.  Rocks of all shapes and sizes were scattered at their base, the enticing dark openings in the cliff faces daring me to go and explore. 
I looked back to the girl.  She hadn't moved; she still sat perched on the edge of the rocks, watching the tide slowly ebb further out to sea.  I sat quietly and watched her as she watched nature at its most wonderful. 
Looking sideways at the rusty old lifeboat I began to wonder what it would have been like in it's glory days.  The day dream captured my attention for a while as I imagined the boat stood with others like it, the paint work bright and shiny instead of the flaky dull mess that it was now.  This one hadn't moved in years, it was almost sad. 
The call of a seagull brought me back to reality.  The sun shone high in the sky ad I figured I should move.  I had somewhere to be.  I glanced out to sea one last time.  She still sat there, one leg now drawn up under her chin, the other still disturbing what was left of the water this far in land.  I wondered what her story was as I began the assent back up the old lifeboat ramp.  What was she doing?  What was she waiting for? 
I guess I'd never know...  I looked back as I made it to the top and scanned the line of rocks where shed been.  There was no sign of her now.  I smiled to myself as I turned away, realising my mistake.

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