Monday 27 October 2014

A little bit of magic...

Well guys and girls... it is half term!  Eight weeks into the new school year and it is about time for a week off.  The sun is shining, the autumn colours are all around, and I have some great plans lined up to keep me busy!

As I know there will be lots to tell by the first of November, I am going to do my sum up of the beginning of the month for you.  Starting with my month of creativity with my school lunches (basically trying to avoid sandwiches all the time) I was pretty much doing this anyway, but now the colder weather has come, I have introduced soup and left over stew for lunches to keep me warm at work!  Work is still going great - I am loving every second of it!  
Vernon even came to visit the other day!  I kept him hiddied in my bag until after all the kids had gone home, but then he went for a little tour - he had a play on the climbing frame, sat on the desk and even stood on a cross for exercise!  Take a look at some of the other pictures on Instagram with #vernonsadventure!

The last day of term was onesie day in support of Type 1 Diabetes!  One little girl is one of only two children in Rotherham to be getting a new pump for her insulin that will help her to control her diabetes and dramatically cut down on the amount of insulin injections she has to have every month.  The trn out of both children and staff in their pajamas and onesies was incredible!  Of course I joined in, anything for something different, and in support of such a good cause too! 

Back at the start of the month, Tara and I went on an adventure to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park to see the new Polar Bear, Victor!  He was so big, and covered in grass stains, it was amazing to see an animal like that so close up.

We had an ace day, without too much rain, and got to see all the animals.  I think my favourite was possibly the little spider monkeys that were running around in the enclosure.  This little fellow was called Dillan and was quite happy to sit and have his photo taken with me :)

Back at the beginning of the month I also finally sorted enough money to fill my little pile of junk with petrol so that I could go see my Momma Kate ad Seth!!  
We donned our raincoats and boots and headed to the seaside in the rain ad wind!  A little bad weather never stopped us having a good day!  We played in the arcades and Seth got a new tractor and trailor, we went for a little walk and did some shopping and took some silly pictures :)  Back at home Sethy didn't share his chocolate buttons, but let me have cuddles, so I can't complain too much!  
And before bed we had a splashtastic time in the bath, where I am actually convinced that I would ave been dryer if I had gotten in the bath with him!  I love seeing him in the water, and his little giggle is incredibly infectious when he gets going - my little water baby!

The majority of the month has been spent decorating!  Tara and I took on the job of decorating her spare room!  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves stripping all the wallpaper and making a mess.  Then we have proved that you don't need a man for these things; and filled all the holes in the wall, and then painted!  Tara got all stroppy with the cutting in, so I have done most of that, and she has got most of the rollering done - apart from on Friday, when I did the cutting in and the rollering while she laid on the floor and played DJ Curtis!  Oh the life of some - I'm not sure which one of us is more under the thumb!!


And although I don't really have any photos from the day Me and Tara spent getting lot in the rain at Clumber Park - I do have to share her blonde moment...
Whilst throwing things at me and me turning around to grumble at her, she tried to retend it was a conker falling from a tree... When I pointed out that the trees we were walking under were in fact Oak trees, so conkers couldn't be falling out of them, her come back was... 
"Those damn oaks, falling on you!"
And the award for blondest moment of the month goes to?!  I couldn't breathe for laughing!  It took me a while to be able to explain that it was in actual fact acorns that fall out of Oak trees!! It's a good job I love her!!

Well, bring on Half Term!  
Speak soon, Louby xx

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