Sunday 7 September 2014

Loving life and being happy!

Week one all done!  I have loved every second of work this week... I have met all the staff, I started along side another new recruit - so we have had each others company to get us through.  We got talking right from the word go, and it wasn't long before we found out just how small this world really is, and as seen as we live around the corner from each other, we have car shared for the rest of the week and saved some petrol money!  Win:win really :)
After the inset on Monday, and getting to grips with staff names and building layout etc, the kids were in Tuesday morning bright and early.  Over the four days, I have met all the students that will be in the class I am working in and have loved every minute of getting to know them all.  I can hand on heart say that I love this job, and am mega excited about getting stuck in as the term gets into gear.

I plan on sneaking Vernon in one day - it has to be done - he made it to Wickersley on the Stay Awake night, it's only fair that he comes to work with me here too - probably on an Inset day as the children younger now and I don't want him ending up in the wrong hands!!  Keep your eyes open for this... 

My week has also been filled with some spontaneity and good times... starting with Tara introducing me to Bingo on Thursday night.  We had an ace night, and I managed to walk away with £110 from the beginner's luck!!  I can't complain with that for a night's work at all.  It has definitely come at the right time and has made the remainder of September much more comfortable finance wise!  
And of course Vernon had to come along... and Sammy brought a pea from the pod on a mini adventure too :)

I finished the week off with a night in with my girl on Friday, I attempted to cook... I say attempted to because I managed to epically fail, though Tara said it was nice enough... It could have been better.  It didn't quite turn out how I had planned it to; it's the thought that counts though right?!  

Then on Saturday we headed off to the Deep in Hull to see the penguins!!  I have never seen such a cute excited face as when Tara saw them!  So adorable!!  >>>
These were my favourite part, apart from watching the penguins swimming of course - I love to watch jelly fish, they always look so calm and relaxed.  I find it fascinating that something that beautiful and seemingly harmless can be so dangerous!  Apart from Octopus' I think they are one of my favourite things to see at aquariums!  

We had an ace day looking at all the different fish and sea life, and had an interesting conversation about the word 'submarium' and how the Deep can claim that it is the only one in the world... It was honestly the strangest conversation we had all day!  

We ended the day with a trip to the cinema with Sammy and Jamie to see Let's be Cops... awesome film, which sparked a conversation late that night about how fun it would be to pretend to be a cop for a night!  

As happens... when we thought the day was over... we ended up in town with my Auntie... These things really do just happen... We had an amazing night though and literally danced the night away!!  My feet were killing me by the time we got home at stupid o' clock this morning!!

Anyway, enough of my ranting, I can smell tea... Bring on week two at work and next weekend that is full of plans too :)

Louby x

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