Tuesday 30 September 2014

Autumn is falling all around us!

Well that quote speaks for itself really doesn't it?  I love the Autumn time; the colours, the beauty in nature, the idea of life coming a full cycle ready to start again after the Winter.  Not to mention it's nearly time to dig out the jumpers from the closet and get snuggled up in blankets and drink hot chocolate :)  I can't wait!

Well, the last day of September... how it has flown!!  Four weeks into the term - half way through before half term and Halloween :)  Gosh, that will be another month gone before we know it!!  Let's have a look back over September and all that I have done and achieved.  Firstly, I have managed another month of discipline by staying away from the breakfast bars.  I figured that the first month back to school was a good one to do this in, as it has made sure I have had a proper breakfast every morning.  I plan to keep this up and really only rely on the breakfast bars in an emergency.  October's attempt is not having sandwiches every day for lunch at work, again to try and keep me  bit healthier; and to be honest I have been doing this already too.  I get bored easily with sandwiches all the time, so I have been making salads and other stuff to keep them different.  
My reading craze has died down a little again now, though I am still reading - I just obviously don't have as much time on my hands as I did over the summer!  I recently picked up an old favourite; Fifty Shades of Gray, and am enjoying rereading that.  I will read all three before moving on to something new!

On to the more exciting stuff... Vernon has been out on his travels again this month; I have made sure he has done some different things.  
Firstly, I managed to sneak him on the school trip to Sherwood Forest, and despite my initial idea to try and sneak him into a few photos, I sneaked out at lunch time to take a photo of him with Robin Hood.  I really want to go back to Sherwood, as I can't believe that I haven't really been before, other than school trips.  So, I might be able to get him back for more photos before the year is out - we'll see!

The other places Vernon came were tag alongs too.  Tara and I took Rolo to a Dog show a couple of weekends ago.  We had a lovely walk round the stalls, met lots of other dogs, plenty of which I think Rolo thought were play toys!  Rolo and I attempted the forest trail meant for kids, but after watching the first competition and it taking forever, we didn't stick around long enough to enter him in the waggiest tail competition.  Vernon came along to the show, and we found some very strange metal sculptures, one of which you can see on Instagram if you look for #vernonsadventure.

Me and Tara have had plenty of adventures this month and the other weekend she took me to Cannon Hall Farm.  We had a lovely morning walking around in the sunshine, looking at all the animals, watching the ferret racing, seeing the tiny baby piggies feeding and of course, acting like complete children and played in the massive outdoor climbing area!  
Afterwards we a picnic in the car before going for a wander around the museum and then the gardens.  In the museum I found the library, which to be honest was a little disappointing, but awesome all the same... and Tara found the dressing up box!  She's so cute sometimes :D
In the gardens we went looking for Fairyland, which was signposted past the walled gardens.  Vernon found a lovely wooden carving f a fairy/pixie - but we seemed to lose Fairyland somewhere between the pond and a tiny archway which was not fairy like at all!!  However, we did find floating feathers - the Angels has been, never mind the fairies - and Tara liked the look of a huge tree so much we had to give it a hug to see if we could fit all the way around it; we couldn't!

The day continued with 4D golf at Xscape... Yes you saw that right - 4D golf!  It was the strangest experience I have had in a while.  It was glow in the dark with 3D glasses and lots of strange noises coming from all around.  As if I'm not bad enough at crazy golf, I then had to master the glasses and the fct that the ball always looked like it was hovering a few inches above the ground... very disorientating - I lost, as expected, dramatically!!  But loved every minute of it :)

The next day was my choice of place to go, and although it seemed like a great idea at the time - we went a long way to see a castle!!!  Richmond Castle near the Yorkshire Dales, known as the gateway to Yorkshire.  It had a stunning view from the top - Tara even managed to have a peek - just from a long way back from the edge :p  
Vernon sneaked on this trip too and loved the view from the top - he got really close to the edge to have his picture taken!

In between all of our adventures, we have done some serious DVD watching this month.  We started with a complete Saw Marathon - all seven films in just over a week!  Tara bought the first season of Orange in the New Black, and we chain watched those - the series is really good - highly recommended.  We are anxiously awaiting the second series to come out on DVD!  After the series we have started on the Resident Evil series of films too!  What can I say?  We like curling up on the sofa with the fire on and in our jammies!?

Our last adventure of the month was a date day on Saturday :)  We started in Western Park Museum where we went for a wander around the exhibitions and learned a few new things as well as acted like kids and taking silly photos.  

And this... Well... Self explanatory really!! 

Afterwards we went for a walk in the park and Tara got all excited when she realised that the conkers were falling.  Yes, we left the park with an arm full!  :)  She's very cute when she wants to be!!  

After a trip to the cinema we got changed out and Tara took me out for tea at TGI Friday's :)  It was a lovely meal, the cocktails were huge and then we finished the day off with a walk down the road to the pub, and a drink sat outside listening to old, cheesey disco

Next time, it's all my choices and I get to take Tara out - oh the careful planning that this will need :D  We'll see what I can come up with!

Anyway, I fee like I've been sat here for ages.  Other than my adventures with Tara, I have been for an attempted ride with Vicky this month - tho we didn't get any further than trying to fetch the horses in as Molly was being extremely stubborn.  So basically we went for a walk in the field with Rosie, who was a good girl and let me catch her straight away!!  She kept looking at me as if to say 'What's she playing at?  Can't we just go without her?'  It was kinda funny now I look back on it - at the time it was infuriating though!  I've been to the pictures a few times, with various people to see various different things - there is plenty out at the minute so the cinema card has been getting some welly!!  I have also been to Bingo a couple more times - tho with no luck since my big win the first time I went.  I'm off again tonight - let's see if luck is with me then!!  

Right, time for me to move, apologies for rambling again - I keep saying that I will update more often to avoid this and never seem to manage it!  Let's see how October fairs!!

Louby xx

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