Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Dream Cave

Another story from school; this one is titled the Dream Cave and was an adventure story.  The girls in my class liked it :)

In a small peaceful town in the Peak District there lived two little girls.  Anna and Sara were best friends and had been for a long time.  One day at school, a boy in their class told them about a magical place deep in the caves on the hills.  Being very curious, as most nine year old girls are, they decided that they would have to go and explore this cave.  Little Mikey had called it The Dream Cave, how exciting did that sound?
The sun was shining brightly as the girls approached the huge cavern entrance. Looking apprehensively at each other they held hands, took a deep breath in for courage, and stepped into the gloomy cave.  Instantly the atmosphere changed.  The cavern roof obscured the sun, casting shadows across the uneven walls and dusty floors.  A soft dripping of water down the rough stone and the girls uneasy footsteps were the only noises echoing through the spacious tunnels, being swallowed by the encroaching darkness.  After a few minutes of tentative steps, Anna and Sara saw a mysterious light at the end of the tunnel.  That must be the dream cave they whispered to each other.
Standing at the edge of the enormous cavern, Anna and Sara looked around in awe.  A creepy mist lingered on the ground, obscuring the floor from view.  Bravely Anna took a step forward, being the more confident of the two friends and disturbed the swirling fog.  Sara gasped  as the mist appeared to crawl up Anna's legs, crawling tightly around them.  Slowly it crept up her body, engulfing her in swirly grey smoke.  The last thing Sara saw was the worried look o her friends face before she disappeared altogether.
Sara screamed, the noise echoing around the dream cave.  Dream?  What kind of dream included being eaten alive by creepy fog?  This was more like a nightmare! Sara knew she had to go in after Anna, but that was easier said than done; she wasn't as brave as her best friend.  Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she shuffled forward into the mist that was now swirling menacingly on the cave floor.  A small whimper escaped Sara's lips as he smoke began to wrap itself around her bare legs.  It was cold and clammy like sweaty hands grabbing at her skin.  Creeping higher and higher, encasing her body as it had done Anna's, the smoke eventually reached her neck, gently suffocating her before the cave disappeared an her world went black.
Sara laid on her back in what felt like wet grass.  She opened her eyes slowly, dreading what she would see when she did.
"Sara?  Sara wake up."  Anna shouted.
"What is this place" Sara replied, sitting up, her head spinning.
"It's like something from a dream!"  Answered Anna in a whisper, gesturing to the open meadows around them and the pretty flowers scattered across the lush green grass.  In the middle of the meadow, where you would expect to find a 'Keep off the grass' sign, was a little wooden board.  It read;
"You have to take the bad to get to the good!"

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