Saturday 27 December 2014

All over...

Well guys and girls, that's it... all that build up, all that planning and all that money, and it's all over in three simple days!  Simple, yet great days though!!  

I have had an amazing Christmas this year!  Christmas Eve was spent getting merry with my family, playing games and eating buffet food!!  It even saw Mommy's first ever shot of Tequila - and judging by her reaction, her last ever shot of Tequila!  I'd put up the photo of her face but I think she'd actually kill me - and then bring me back tot clean up the mess!!

An early wake up call from my sister, bouncing on my bed on Christmas morning, started off the ultimate present opening spree... anyone would think I liked to read, take one look at my pile of new books to add to my 'to be read' pile and there is no doubt that my favourite hobby is reading!!!  I have nine new books in total!  And I have my Mommy, my Daddy, My Auntie, my Grandad and Vicky to thank for the new reading material!  
Bacon sarnies started the morning off before heading off to my Grandad's for family time :)  We had yet more presents and then the ultimate Christmas dinner!!!  Eight people, loads of pigs in blankets, too many sprouts and one kick ass bird!  Plus, Sammy made cheesecake... Yep you heard right; cheese in a cake - plus her baby mandalins!!! Lol.
The afternoon made headway for Tyler's new games, we played several rounds of the new version of Monopoly, Empire!  And I lost, drastically, every time; and I'm talking twice I didn't even have anything on the ground floor of my Empire, never mind building it up to take over the world!!! 

Christmas night, I ventured out onto the dark and lonely streets to go see my girl!  We opened our presents, of which there were plenty, and she got her telling off for being far too eager and buying her own DS earlier on in the month - as her amazing girlfriend had already bought her one for Christmas!!  That'll teach her to buy new things just before Santa is due to come!  It is safe to say that I have been spoiled rotten, and my presents, my advent calendar goodies and my girl's love shows that!  I'm not sure the DS lives up to everything as seen as she already has one - but it ha to be the thought that counted... right?!

The rest of Christmas day was spent playing games at home, and me and Mum ruled at Pictionary, despite Dad and Sammy's valiant attempt.  

Boxing day started much later, and involved me getting o bounce on Sammy's bed!!  I totally pulled the 'the sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we gotta play' card and nearly scared her half to death because i crept up on her!!  
We have had a much more chilled day today, less hectic - more turkey, loads more pigs and blankets and still too many sprouts!!!  This time, me and Mum finished it off with a festive chocolate yule log and Bailey's cream!!  Beautiful!!
Then we have watched Maleficent, at which I cried, again, we have started and nearly finished Mum's new jigsaw, we have watched Daddy's new John Bishop DVD and we have played some more games - including the tradition of Monopoly (Mum whitewashed us - no joke)

And to top it all off - it snowed!!!!!  Yes you heard it - it is about a foot deep in snow outside and still coming down strong!  I'd like to say that I am loving it, but there is a little part of me hoping it all disappears over night and waits till tomorrow night to do it again.  As tonight should be my last sleep at home, before I venture into the big wide world to move in with Tara.  It has been a long countdown and would be very annoying if I can't get my car off the drive way tomorrow!  SO, here's hoping!

To the closing of one door, and the opening of another - Merry Christmas xx

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